Legal help, legal aid and public funding
If you are eligible for Legal Aid then we can help you apply.
Legal aid is always available for cases involving social workers and is often not ‘means’ tested. It may also be available for victims of domestic abuse — including emotional abuse and financial control — but this is subject to evidence and ‘means’ testing.
Legal aid could also be available where a child has been neglected or deemed at risk of abuse (subject to ‘means’ testing) for any family law case.
To find out if your case is eligible for Legal Aid ring 01271 314 904 for an assessment — and if you are eligible, we can help you apply.
To see if you are financially eligible, please complete the questionnaire here.
Discounts for key workers
If you are a Key Worker then you may be eligible for a discount on our services.
We offer a 10% reduction in our bills for key workers, including:
Serving frontline fire officers
Serving armed forces personnel
Serving police officers
NHS RGN-qualified nursing staff
Serving RNLI lifeboat crew
This deduction applies to fully-qualified solicitor rates only.
Our hourly rates for private work can be found below...
Private fees
We want clients to know where they stand on their costs on day one and as the case progresses.
Once we have had a brief discussion about your case we will happily provide an estimate for initial advice and an indication of longer-term costs.
It is not always possible to provide a fixed price, but we will always give you an estimate and keep it updated as the case develops.
Our hourly rates for private work are as follows:
Rosie Bracher- Partner, Solicitor – £270 plus VAT /hr
Ramin Shamsolahi-Partner, Solicitor – £270 plus VAT/hr
Lisa McLaughlin, Legal Executive– £240 plus VAT /hr
Jade Payne, Solicitor– £240 plus VAT/hr
Emilie Collis, Solicitor- £240 plus VAT/hr
Jessie Pittwood, Solicitor- £240 plus VAT/hr
Bryony Holt, Solicitor- £240 plus VAT/hr
Chloe James, Paralegal - £210 plus VAT/hr
Trainees – £210 plus VAT /hr
Paralegals – £210 plus VAT /hr (unless otherwise specified)
Assistants – £120 plus VAT /hr
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